Born and raised at Lake Gaston, NC, Adam started water sports with his family and has gone on to win multiple World and Pan-American Championship titles, was the 2011 Brostock Big Air Champion, and 2009 USA Wakeboard Athlete of the Year. He has been a champion and event official at countless wakeboarding events and loves to compete. Building the sport of wakeboarding has been a career-long goal, along with mentoring and building the careers of his students from all over the globe.
Life and business are full for Adam, with two children, a beautiful wife, and a future at the forefront. Follow his Instagram and Facebook to stay in the loop.
Check out Adams Speech at TEDx...
My name is Fields Johnson and I live here at Lake Gaston! I am co-owner of AF Wake and of Lake Gaston Summer Rentals, and am one of many amazing coaches here at AF Wake. I earned the US National title and World title in Mexico in the Mens 2 division in 2019. Come ride with us! Go follow me on Instagram @fieldsjohnson